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acoustic absorption artinya

contoh kalimat "acoustic absorption"
  • Acoustic Absorption Coefficient, office, shopping malls, bus station
    Koefisien Penyerapan Akustik, kantor, pusat perbelanjaan, stasiun bus
  • Acoustic Absorption Tegular, office, shopping malls, railway station
    Acoustic Absorption Tegular, kantor, pusat perbelanjaan, stasiun kereta api
  • Acoustic Absorption Coefficient, office, shopping malls, train station
    Koefisien Penyerapan Akustik, kantor, pusat perbelanjaan, stasiun kereta api
  • Acoustic Absorption Tegular, office, shopping malls, railway station
    Serapan Akustik Tegular, kantor, pusat perbelanjaan, stasiun kereta api
  • Acoustic Absorption Coefficient, office, shopping malls, railway station
    Koefisien Penyerapan Akustik, kantor, pusat perbelanjaan, stasiun kereta api
  • Polyester Felt Acoustic Absorption Panels Furniture Decoration
    Polyester Merasa Panel Penyerapan Akustik Dekorasi Furniture
  • Its acoustic absorption coefficient can more than 0.9 in the range of 125 ~ 4000HZ noise.
    Koefisien penyerapan akustiknya dapat lebih dari 0,9 dalam kisaran 125 ~ 4000HZ noise.
  • OUSILONG Acoustic Absorption Coefficient panel has both different size of the perforations and various perforate patterns.
    Panel Koefisien Absorpsi Akustik OUSILONG memiliki ukuran perforasi yang berbeda dan berbagai pola perforata.
  • OUSILONG Acoustic Absorption Coefficient panel has both different size of the perforations and various perforate patterns.
    Panel Koefisien Absorpsi Akustik OUSILONG memiliki ukuran perforasi yang berbeda dan berbagai pola perforasi.
  • NBR rubber foams are high-end hybrid materials, far superior to the usual PE, EVA in shock absorption, insulation, cushioning, flotation, acoustic absorption, Environmentally friendy …etc usage.
    NBR karet busas yang high-end hibrida bahan, jauh lebih unggul dari PE biasa, EVA di shock penyerapan, isolasi, bantalan, flotasi, akustik penyerapan, lingkungan mudah bagi pemakai.. .etc penggunaan.
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